Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Poetry Month is next month!

Next month, April, is poetry month. So, I know not a lot of people read this but here is a website. It is about poets and poetry, so check it out!

Example of a Name Poem- Jennifer

Juggles eggs very quickly.
Entertains many people.
Nice to everyone,
No exceptions.
Is always there for you.
Finds something to do everyday.
Executes a very polite nature.
Rawr! She loves you!  

Name Poem How To

In a name poem you use a name, hence the type of poem. You write the name vertically on the paper. You then write an adjective or a sentence starting with the letter of the name that is running vertically down your paper. This can be silly or serious depending on what you are using the poem for.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Daisy-My Example of a Limerick

There once was an elephant named Daisy,
If you ever saw her she was on the couch being lazy.
She sat on the couch,
She was a big grouch,
Everything she remembered was hazy. 


In a limerick, the last word of lines one and two rhyme. In lines three and four the last words rhyme, but they do not rhyme with one and two. The last word of the last line, line five, then rhymes with lines one and two. This poem should sound almost like a beat. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What I think of Poems

I think that anything can be a poem. It doesn’t need to rhyme.  A poem to me is a pretty little saying.  Poems are a way I express myself in life. I think poems are cute and pretty. They can have a meaning and be serious. They don't have to make sense they can be fun and nonsensical. 


Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And life used to be, too.

But now the roses are wilted,
The violets are dead.
My life is unhappy
Now that you’ve taken her instead

I thought that you loved me
But now that I know you don’t.
I’m sad and unhappy
All I do is mope

She is pretty and sweet
Like roses should be
But this violets unhappy
Since you had to leave.

I will always be faithful
I love you that much
But this heart won’t be yours
Until I trust you enough.

She loves you now
But what about then?
Will she love and care for you
At lives bitter end

If you come back to me now
Be ready for a fight
My heart has just mended
From the dark to the light. 

Dancing in the Rain
Spice up your Twitter with some Twitter Backgrounds

Someone Out There
Grab a Funny Picture from